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10 best Magic The Gathering apps for Android

Magic The Gathering is one of the oldest and best card games. Here are the best Magic The Gathering apps for Android!

Published onApril 7, 2022

ManaBox best magic the gathering apps for Android

Magic: The Gathering is one of the oldest, best, and most complex card games out there. It has fans all over the world and enough deck combinations for everybody to build a 100% unique deck several times over before you find a repeat. A game so large and so complex obviously needs a few tools for organization and gameplay.

Thankfully, there are enough to satisfy the demand for both casual players and tournament players as well as collectors. Here are the best Magic The Gathering apps for Android.

The best Magic The Gathering apps for Android


Price: Free (with ads)

Bugko screenshot for the best magic the gathering apps list

Bugko is a powerful MTG tool with a lot of decent features. It has features for both judges and players as well. There is an offline database of over 30,000 cards, a rule book, tournament decklist updates, and it sources news from a few dozen sources. That makes it an excellent all-in-one tool. The database has a syntax search to find the cards you need to find. Some additional tools include a life counter for up to four players, a ban list, and 15 counters to help keep track of your counters. There are more things, but it’d take another 200 words to list them all out. Check it out, this is one of the good Magic The Gathering apps.

Amazon Shopping

Price: Free

Amazon is a bit of a lame pick for a list like this but it’s still a great app for Magic fans. The online retailer has tens of thousands of cards for sale from real card shops around the country. There is the occasional chance at a counterfeit but by and large, the experience is positive. People buy things in various ways, but I have wish lists on Amazon for entire decks worth of cards. You can buy booster boxes, fat packs, dice, game mats, and other paraphernalia as well. However, Amazon is best for buying individual cards, most of which are at competitive prices since they’re usually being sold through card shops via Amazon. You can always compare prices with TCG if you suspect a card is too much. Just don’t forget to support your local card shops too.

Delver Lens

Price: Free / $2.99 per month / $29.99 per year

Delver Lens is another powerful tool for MTG players. It’s a scanner that uses OCR to scan cards and identify them. You can then view the card, what it does, and, with an Internet connection, check it out online. It does work offline for card identification. The app also keeps track of what you scan and has a deck builder function in it. The app’s main function seems to work fairly well. This app was removed from Google Play and re-launched after a price change and some feature updates. That’s why it seems like the review count on Google Play is a little low.

Dragon Counter

Price: Free / $2.99

Dragon Counter is an excellent and minimal life counter app. It works with up to six players, supports EDH damage tracking, and it can track various counters like poison, storm, and charge counters. The app also includes a dice roll function, a dark mode, and you can see (and share) your match history. There isn’t much left to talk about, really. This one is actually really good and it does almost anything you need unless you have some really funky deck mechanics. Lifey (Google Play link) is another decent option as well.


Price: Free

Facebook screenshot 2021

Facebook is another lame pick, but it’s actually a great app for Magic players. Most local card shops have a Facebook presence and use the platform to plan draft nights, tournaments, sales, and to announce when new sets are in stock or available. Of course, I can only base this on personal experience, but all three of the card shops I frequent have healthy, useful Facebook pages with tons of information about upcoming tournaments and just random fun nights where people show up and play various game types. Plus, the official game pages and news sites can clog up your news feed with Magic instead of whatever horrible things people post on Facebook these days. It’s a win-win.

Magic: The Gathering Companion

Price: Free

Magic The Gathering Companion screenshot 2021

Magic: The Gathering Companion is Wizards of the Coast’s official attempt at an official Magic app. It’s not half bad, actually. The app is mostly for tournaments and such. You can link players to their Wizards of the Coast accounts for official record-keeping and that makes it a slam dunk for smaller card shops looking for a way to register such events. It supports constructed, sealed, and draft-type games. Thus, it’s best for tournaments. The app is roughly one year old and there are still some optimizations that are needed, so we expect it to improve over time.

ManaBox MTG

Price: Free / $2.49 per month / $22.99 per year

ManaBox MTG screenshot 2020

ManaBox MTG is one of the few good subscription services for Magic players. It has an offline database of cards with a contextual search so you can find whatever card you need along with the rules for that card. Some other features include a deck organizer, the ability to share cards with friends, up-to-date pricing across three sources (Cardmarket, TCGplayer, and Card Kingdom), and a news feed. The feature I liked the best is the ability to see stats about decks you build so you can properly see things like mana production. Plus, you can simulate the deck quickly to see if it’ll work the way you want. The subscription pricing is a tough sell, but this one might actually be worth it if you use it consistently enough.

MTG Familiar

Price: Free

MTG Familiar screenshot for the best magic the gathering apps

MTG Familiar is another life counter app with a bunch of other features. This one puts UI aside a bit for the sake of functionality. It works for two players. Additionally, it comes with a dice roller from a D3 all the way up to a D100 and there’s a D2 for coin flips as well. If that weren’t enough, the app has an offline card database for quick lookups as well as a mana pool counter and spell counter. You can look up card prices, but as always we highly recommend multiple sources for the best information. The only caveat is that only works for two-player games.

TopDecked MTG

Price: Free / $4.99-$8.49 per month / $49.99-$84.99 per year

TopDecked MTG screenshot 2021

TopDecked MTG might be the most powerful app for Magic players. It has a metric ton of tools for both players as well as establishments that hold Magic tournaments. For players, there’s a deck simulator, a card database, cloud syncing, and you can read up on the latest news. Additionally, you can find tournaments nearby and across the country as long as the establishments are registered with the service. You can even keep track of your entire collection with this one. For establishments, you can set up and conduct tournaments. There is a monthly subscription for some of the features. We only recommend them to people who really use this app for all that it’s worth, though.


Price: Free / $12.99 per month

YouTube is our final obvious pick for Magic The Gathering apps. There are a bunch of personalities online for a bunch of different types of players. You can find deck builders, stat nerds, collectors seeking out rare gems, or people to follow the tournament circuit. I frequently watch Nizzahon’s top ten lists just for its entertainment value. It’s also good for beginners who want to learn the rules and see some examples of the game being played.

If we missed any great Magic The Gathering apps, tell us in the comments. You can also check out our latest Android app and game lists by clicking here.
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