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Netflix lets people stuck at home watch educational shows and movies for free

The free Netflix shows on YouTube include episodes of Our Planet and Explained, along with a number of documentary features.

Published onApril 17, 2020

Netflix is getting a surge of new users, thanks in part to more people staying at home because of the coronavirus outbreak. However, there are still plenty of people who can’t pay the money for the streaming service after its 30-day free trial is over. So Netflix just posted a bunch of its original educational shows and movies for free on its YouTube channel (before you ask; no, it didn’t put up Tiger King).

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The 24 videos that were posted include episodes of Our Planet, the Netflix original nature show, along with episodes of Explained, which attempts to teach us more about certain subjects such as the sport of cricket or the stock market. Episodes of the design-themed series Abstract and the human nature series Babies are also online now on the Netflix YouTube channel for free.

Finally, there are a number of Netflix original documentary short subjects and features to watch on YouTube for free. They include films such as Knock Down The House, about four women candidates who ran for seats in the US House of Representatives in 2018. It also includes 13th, a look at the US prison system, and Zion, a story about a boy who was born with no legs who, in his teens, decides to compete in wrestling tournaments.

There’s no word on how long these shows and movies will be on the Netflix YouTube channel for free. So you might want to start watching them now. Will you be spending some time this weekend watching these free Netflix shows?

If you do decide to sign up for Netflix, make sure to check out our guides for what to watch on the service:

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