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Cocos2d-x game engine ported to Android on MIPS, runs on Creator CI20 board

Cocos2d-x, the open source cross-platform game engine from Chukong Technologies, has been ported to Android on MIPS. It now runs fully optimized on devices using MIPS CPUs and PowerVR GPUs.

Published onMarch 19, 2015

One of the most popular open source game engines is Cocos2d-x, a cross-platform framework designed by Chukong Technologies and based on the Cocos2d engine for iOS. It works on a variety of platforms including Android, iOS and Windows phone. At the end of January, Imagination sent Ricardo Quesada, the chief architect at Chukong, a couple of MIPS based CI20 boards. As a result he was able to port Cocos2d-x to Android for the MIPS processor.

If we can't port Cocos2d-x to CI20 then something is fundamentally wrong with our toolchain.
Since Imagination also make the successful series of PowerVR GPUs, Quesada also used the newly released PowerVR SDK to make sure that any device with a PowerVR GPU from Imagination is able to run a fully optimized version of Cocos2d-x v4.

Not only did porting Cocos2d-x to Android on MIPS, show that MIPS fully supports the Android ecosystem, it also allowed Quesada to see if the Cocos2d infrastructure was robust enough. “If we can’t port Cocos2d-x to CI20 then something is fundamentally wrong with our toolchain,” wrote Quesada in the diary he started to document his experience.

As a result of his porting work, devices using MIPS CPUs and PowerVR GPUs from Imagination are now fully compatible with the latest version of the Cocos2d-x game engine. With the porting work finished, Chukong Technologies and Imagination made an official announcement about their collaboration.

Fantasy-Warrior-3D- Cocos2d-x-game -on-CI20

For those who like the full technical details here are a few highlights from Richard’s porting experience:

  • He first tried the Windows version of the MIPS compiler toolchain, but “didn’t like it.” So instead, he went with the 32-bit Linux version.
  • As a result of this porting exercise Richard was able to improve the dependencies needed by Cocos2d-x and fix some build issues that weren’t actually related to MIPS.
  • Richard found that GCC 4.8 with the NDK worked best, as GCC 4.9 crashed.
  • The port use Lua instead of LuaJIT, since LuaJIT is not supported on MIPS.
  • The JavaScript Bindings haven’t been ported yet.

Cocos2d-x v4.0-alpha0 was the code based used to port the game engine to Android on MIPS. It includes all the features of the recently released Cocos2d-x v3.4 game engine, plus some new features like the improved unified rendering for 2D and 3D objects, which enables developers to implement advanced 3D effects – shadows, particles, visual damage number popups, etc.

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