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Tiny Archers brings a fresh take on the castle-defense genre

Download Tiny Archers for free and protect your tower from evil goblins by shooting arrows and eliminating them. I must say, it’s quite addicting.

Published onJuly 20, 2016


If you’re missing Angry Birds‘ drag and release gameplay, 1DER Entertainment’s new game Tiny Archers might interest you. Available for free in the Play Store, the game’s primary objective is to protect your tower from evil goblins by shooting arrows and eliminating them. And I must say, it’s quite addicting.

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As 1DER Entertainment lists, Tiny Archers lets you “Discover fantastic characters, fight multiple enemies, unlock magic arrows and surprising abilities.”

The game ultimately offers three characters, but in the beginning, you are limited to only one option: Adam the human. Once you successfully defeat your enemies with Adam, you can move on to Lily the fairy and Narin the dwarf.

The game guides you step by step, explaining how to defend your town from your enemies and even offers an option to hide blood when killing goblins. Essentially, the game boils down to how effectively you can aim your limited amount of arrows at the charging monsters.

After each mission, you receive gems which can be used to create armor or to activate special powers such as pouring melting tar on a horde of goblins. As you move up, the number of enemies increases, and gargantuan trolls start to appear!

What happens when you run out of arrows? Fear not, for you can use your gems to buy more. Be careful, though, because once you are out of arrows and gems, goblins will start to climb up the tower and push you off.

Tiny Archers is a straightforward but fun game. While the aiming is simple and resembles Angry Birds, it doesn’t get too repetitive thanks to the beautifully detailed artwork and perspective changes.

For each mission, your point of view tilts slightly, and goblins use a different route to attack. This seemingly trivial variation makes a significant difference when playing the game.

If your phone is running on Android 4.1 or higher, head over to the Play Store to become a Tiny Archer and start defending your tower from evil goblins!

If you have already downloaded Tiny Archers, let us know what you like about the game in the comments below!

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