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Report: Samsung teaming up with Gorilla Glass maker for ultra-thin glass

It's believed that the tech could be ready for Samsung's 2021 foldable phones.

Published onJune 9, 2020

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip unfolded sitting up


  • Samsung is reportedly teaming up with Corning for ultra-thin glass.
  • It’s believed that the tech could be ready for Samsung’s 2021 foldables.
  • The Korean brand could be sticking with its current UTG solution for the Galaxy Fold 2.


Samsung debuted ultra-thin glass (UTG) on the Galaxy Z Flip, with the tech made by German manufacturer Schott. Now, it seems like the Korean brand is teaming up with an established player in order to deliver UTG as well.

Samsung has established its own UTG supply chain with US firm Corning, according to Korean-language outlet DDaily (h/t: SamMobile). It’s believed Samsung is teaming up with Corning in a bid to lower foldable display component costs. Furthermore, the website reports that the two companies need more time to develop their take on UTG, but that the tech could be ready for Samsung’s 2021 foldable phones.

This is a noteworthy move if true, as Corning is a kingpin in the smartphone screen sector. The firm is responsible for Gorilla Glass protective technology seen on virtually every high-end to mid-range phone in the market today.

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It’s worth noting that Corning’s Gorilla Glass first appeared on the original iPhone before everyone else in the industry adopted it. It therefore stands to reason that we might see Corning and Samsung’s UTG solution arrive on other foldables — if Samsung isn’t demanding a long period of exclusivity.

It’s also an interesting move on Corning’s part, as the firm previously confirmed that it was working on foldable Gorilla Glass technology. Hopefully it’s integrating this work into the UTG partnership with Samsung.

DDaily also reports that the upcoming Galaxy Fold 2 will offer UTG, reiterating previous rumors about the next-generation foldable. Either way, here’s hoping foldables by other brands gain ultra-thin glass in the future too.

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