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How to add an admin on a Facebook page (or remove them later)

It can be handy to get a bit of help running a popular page.

Published onApril 2, 2024

Having a Facebook page is an excellent way to promote your business or a cause. However, if your page suddenly becomes popular, running it will turn into a job all of its own. That’s when you need to consider bringing on people as page admins to help you run the shop. Here’s how to add an admin on a Facebook page — and remove them later if it becomes necessary.


To add an admin to a Facebook page, go to the page settings, then Page roles. Search for the Facebook profile owner that you want to add, select the page role as Admin, and save. When the person has accepted the invitation, they will be an admin of the page. To remove them, click Edit next to their name in the Page roles section and choose Remove.


How to add an admin on a Facebook page or remove them (desktop)

On the Facebook desktop website, go to the Facebook page in question. In the left-hand sidebar, scroll to the bottom and click Settings.

facebook page settings link

Now click Page roles.

facebook page roles link

Under Assign a new Page role, start typing the name of the person that you want to add as an admin. When you find them, click them. If their name is a common one, you may have to add their Facebook-registered email address instead.

facebook page search for new admin

Editor is chosen as the default page role. Therefore, drop down the list and select Admin instead.

facebook page assign page role to admin

Enter your password to confirm the changes. This stops anyone from sneakily adding themselves as an admin to your Facebook page without permission.

facebook enter password

They will now appear in the Existing Page roles section as Pending. When they accept the invitation to become an admin, that Pending tag will disappear. Until then, you also have the opportunity to cancel the invitation.

facebook page admin pending status

Removing someone as a Facebook page admin (desktop)

If things are not working out, and you need to remove them as an admin, that is very straightforward to do. Go back to Existing Page roles and click the Edit button.

facebook page admin remove admin link

In the bottom-left, there is a Remove button. Click that to remove them as an admin. Alternatively, you can drop down the permissions menu and downgrade them to a lesser role. Remember to click Save to make sure the changes go through.

facebook page admin remove admin

How to add an admin on a Facebook page or remove them (mobile app)

It feels much more streamlined and easier to add an admin to a page using the mobile app.

  • Go to the page on the Pages tab and click the settings cog at the top.
  • Tap Page roles.
  • Tap Add Person to Page.
  • Start typing the name of the person, and when you find them, select them.
  • Now assign the page role of Admin and click Save.
  • Once the person accepts your invitation, they will become a page admin.

Removing someone as an admin (mobile app)

To remove someone as a page admin in the mobile app:

  • Go back to the Page roles screen and tap the pencil icon on the right of their name.
  • Either downgrade their status or remove them completely by tapping Remove.


No, only holders of personal profiles can be added as page admins.

Yes, they have a lot of control over a page, including reassigning page roles and privileges. This includes the page owner.

A page can have an unlimited number of admins. However, practically speaking, you should keep it to the bare minimum.

Technically, this is possible. But then nobody would have access to the page, and it would become dormant.

Yes, they can delete the page.

No, you can’t see any specific admins, but the contact information in the About section may reveal who it is.

The person needs to have a Facebook account and must have ‘liked’ the page that you want to add them to.

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