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5 Amazing Android Controlled Robots


Published onMarch 24, 2012


Do you like robots? Of course you do! In fact, most tech fans love them! And it’s no wonder, they are really amazing. Some say that we can monitor the advancement of our technology and society by monitoring how fast we are developing robots. But Android robots? Surely, it must be a joke?

It’s no joke! These amazing little robots and cars are controlled by an Android device via Bluetooth. It’s amazing to see what enthusiasts and tech experts have come up with (perhaps even a bit scary). While you shouldn’t expect to see the Terminator, some of these will really blow your mind! Let’s get started, shall we?

The Android Robot

What better way to start this list than by showing an actual Android robot? Or should we call it a droid? Nonetheless, this little guy is super cute and really cool! It can make quite a few movements of its own and the robotic sounds it chirps are really neat. Maybe one day Google will put them on sale so we can all enjoy playing with this little guy.

Toy car controlled by Nexus One

There have been quite a few of these RC cars controlled by iPhone devices, but if the iPhone can do it, then surely Android can do it better! That’s exactly what the video bellow shows – an amazing toy car controlled by a Nexus One. The connection between the devices is created via Bluetooth. Looks fun… It brings out that child we all have inside of us, doesn’t it?

Mindstorm NXT Android Robot

Android is advancing rapidly and there is no denying that. But, who would have thought we would also see Lego toys being controlled via Bluetooth with our Android phones?  If there is anything these awesome Android robots tell us, it’s that anything is possible!

Android Plen

It looks like it may take some practice to master the controls of this little robot, but it sure does look like it’s a lot of fun. Robots are really popular in Japan and it seems Android is growing in popularity as well. Only 50 of these nifty Android-controlled robots were made, with a price tag of$3,000. Be sure to check it out (if you can afford it)!

Android Hexapod Robot

And last, but not the least, is this amazing hexapod that is remote controlled via a HTCHero (or an iPhone) and a Bluetooth connection. It’s really neat and works like a charm. This is probably the only thing with six legs that you would want to have at home!

So, which one’s your favorite? I am sure that there are many other examples, so feel free to suggest us some other nifty Android controlled robots!

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